Frequently Asked Questions...
When is Babybar open?
We run on Thursday mornings from 10 until 12 noon. We are open every week of school term and try to open most Thursdays in the school holidays. Please note that during school holidays service may be a little slower than usual if lots of our volunteers are away. Check our facebook page or send us a message to confirm opening dates.
Where can I find Babybar?
Wallingford Babybar runs from the Ridgeway Community Centre in the centre of Wallingford.
Access is from the rear entrance of the building off Wood Street. There is currently a buggy park set up in the entrance courtyard.
See below for information on where to park if you have driven into town.
Where do I park?
There are several car parks in Wallingford Town centre - the closest to Babybar is The Cattle Market , which is just off Wood Street which is free (with a ticket) for 1 hr or £1.20 for 2 hours. There is 2 hours free parking available at Goldsmith's Lane Car Park which is a few minutes walk away. St Alban's Car Park (@ Waitrose) is a little bit further away and you will need to pay for parking.
Do I need to pay for Babybar?
No - Babybar is a free-to-access service. You can come in, talk to someone, receive support from our Peer Supporters or Infant Feeding Specialist for no charge. We are a charity and do rely on donations and fundraising to be able to offer this service so if you do feel that you could give a donation there is a donations box at Babybar.
Can I get support online or by phone?
Babybar social sessions no longer need to be booked online - please just pop in . If you feel you may be in need of some extra support an appointment can be booked online with our infant feeding specialist. You can get in touch with us via the website or message us @wallingfordbabybar if you would like to ask us whether we would be able to provide the type of support that you need.
Do I need to make an appointment to see the Infant Feeding Specialist?
No! Karen, our feeding consultant is doing face to face consultations at The Ridgeway on Thursdays. There is no need to book - just come along. We operate a first come first served approach where one of our peer supporters will have a chat and if they can't help they will pass the information to Karen who then works the room and will come to each person in turn. If you feel you are in need of expert advice then it's a good idea to arrive promptly at 10am.
Can I bring my older children?
Sometimes you may have to bring your toddlers or older children with you. If you do have to we will do our best to see you quickly as Babybar is not the most fun place for a toddler to hang out! You may want to bring a few toys or books to keep your child occupied. If we are not too busy there may be a Peer Supporter who can help look after your toddler whilst you receive the support that you need.